From mkonop at  Fri May  2 16:34:04 2014
From: mkonop at (Marian Konop)
Date: Fri, 2 May 2014 16:34:04 -0400
Subject: [joomla] Next New Jersey meeting
Message-ID: <>

Join us Monday, May 5th at 7pm in Union NJ for our NJ Joomla Users Group

Meeting Location

Union Township
Chamber of Commerce

355 Chestnut Street, 2nd Floor
Union, NJ 07083

   - Beginner Breakout
   - How Do I...
   - Show and Tell
   - The (IN)FAMOUS Lightening Round
   - Networking

*Marian Konop*
Gotham Websites
We think SMALL . . . Business
* <>*
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From unitelny at  Fri May  9 17:45:18 2014
From: unitelny at (Unitel)
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 17:45:18 -0400
Subject: [joomla] J2.5 - Redirect Component - Nutty 404 links
Message-ID: <B67F9F3E9EA24E9B87BA481B7F06B619@OwnerPC>

Hello everyone!


Redirect Manager: Links


I keep getting crazy 404 hits see below, should I be concerned? And what
should I do? Delete them, maybe?




Best regards,


Marcos Miranda 



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From unitelny at  Mon May 12 10:04:58 2014
From: unitelny at (Unitel)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 10:04:58 -0400
Subject: [joomla] Google SERP's
Message-ID: <B6E8901A433942B4AF6F6D0A7EE0B969@OwnerPC>

Hello everyone!


My site was appearing in the Google serp, first page bottom. Our google+ was
also appearing - now "for the last few months" our google+ has disappeared.
My site rank is 0/10 - it was 2/10. And when I do a key word search my site
does not show on page 1, ,2, 3, 4, 5..does not show at all.


Anyone have hint of what's going on. I did have duplicate url but I fixed
them (Thankx Laura Gordon) by using "Menu Item Alias".


Is anyone familiar with issue?






Best regards,


Marcos Miranda 



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From snewfeld at  Mon May 12 12:08:11 2014
From: snewfeld at (Stewart Newfeld)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 12:08:11 -0400
Subject: [joomla] NYC Joomla User Group Meeting Thu. May 15, 2014
Message-ID: <01b201cf6dfc$5fcc3b80$1f64b280$@com>

Next Meeting

Thursday May 15, 2014

This month we will be meeting 4 blocks away from our usual Touro College
address, and instead meet at the Hive at 55, where we have in the past held
JoomlaCamp events.

Pre-registration is not required for building security, but we would
appreciate it if you signed up at and let others know you will be

We are looking for more presenters for future meetings.  Let us know if you
can present or if you are interested in particular topic presentations.


Hive at 55
55 Broad Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY  10004

Chairperson: Stewart Newfeld
6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions
6:15 - 8:00 

Presentation 1 by Stewart Newfeld: Two very powerful Joomla Extensions are
available for creating forms and form applications: RSJoomla! offers
RSForm!Pro (Prices starting at 19 Euros), and Chronoengine offers
Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity (Free version available).  RSForm!Pro is
one of the most clearly documented Joomla Extensions available.
Chronoforms' most basic functionallity is documented in FAQs, but for
anything advanced you are left hunting through the forums, posting questions
to the forums, or like Stewart did, hiring a person to train you.  These two
programs take very different approaches to creating forms.  Stewart will
compare and contrast them, and demonstrate a few case studies for

Presentation 2 by Stewart Newfeld: Did you ever need to generate PDF
documents from within Joomla?  When you need to generate documents in a
format with predicatable, controllable printing, you can't beat the PDF
format. Stewart will discuss some possible solutions and demonstrate
creating fundrasing letters in .pdf format, from form input data, by
restoring the fpdf library that used to be in Joomla 1.5, but was removed in
Joomla 1.6. 

8:00-8:30 Lightening Round Question and Answers, Networking.


Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:  <>




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From garyamort at  Mon May 12 14:29:32 2014
From: garyamort at (Gary Mort)
Date: Mon, 12 May 2014 14:29:32 -0400
Subject: [joomla] Google SERP's
In-Reply-To: <B6E8901A433942B4AF6F6D0A7EE0B969@OwnerPC>
References: <B6E8901A433942B4AF6F6D0A7EE0B969@OwnerPC>
Message-ID: <>

On 05/12/2014 10:04 AM, Unitel wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> My site was appearing in the Google serp, first page bottom. Our 
> google+ was also appearing -- now "for the last few months" our 
> google+ has disappeared. My site rank is 0/10 -- it was 2/10. And when 
> I do a key word search my site does not show on page 1, ,2, 3, 4, 
> 5......does not show at all.
> Anyone have hint of what's going on. I did have duplicate url but I 
> fixed them (Thankx Laura Gordon) by using "Menu Item Alias".
> Is anyone familiar with issue?

No, but what you are describing seems to be the Google+Your World feature:

IE what is displayed on the right is matches for the search you made 
from YOUR google plus network.  It would only show up for other people 
if they had the Unitel google plus page in their circles.

 From the link you sent, you haven't logged on to Google before 
performing the search[when you have you will see icons to enable/disable 
"your world"]

Also note that you MAY want to add authorship links to your content 
pointing to the unitel profile page[and the converse link on the unitel 
profile to point to the website]

Honestly, I have no idea if this provides ANY SEO benefit, so I wouldn't 
spend a lot of time on it.

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From ttatpdt at  Thu May 15 11:57:07 2014
From: ttatpdt at (Toni Taylor)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 11:57:07 -0400
Subject: [joomla] NYC Joomla User Group Meeting Thu. May 15, 2014
In-Reply-To: <01b201cf6dfc$5fcc3b80$1f64b280$@com>
References: <01b201cf6dfc$5fcc3b80$1f64b280$@com>
Message-ID: <>

Sorry, won't be able to come tonight. I'll catch up later.

> On May 12, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Stewart Newfeld <snewfeld at> wrote:
> Next Meeting
> Thursday May 15, 2014
> This month we will be meeting 4 blocks away from our usual Touro College address, and instead meet at the Hive at 55, where we have in the past held JoomlaCamp events.
> Pre-registration is not required for building security, but we would appreciate it if you signed up at and let others know you will be attending.
> We are looking for more presenters for future meetings.  Let us know if you can present or if you are interested in particular topic presentations.
> Location:
> Hive at 55
> 55 Broad Street, 13th Floor
> New York, NY  10004
> Chairperson: Stewart Newfeld
> 6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions
> 6:15 - 8:00
> Presentation 1 by Stewart Newfeld: Two very powerful Joomla Extensions are available for creating forms and form applications: RSJoomla! offers RSForm!Pro (Prices starting at 19 Euros), and Chronoengine offers Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity (Free version available).  RSForm!Pro is one of the most clearly documented Joomla Extensions available.  Chronoforms' most basic functionallity is documented in FAQs, but for anything advanced you are left hunting through the forums, posting questions to the forums, or like Stewart did, hiring a person to train you.  These two programs take very different approaches to creating forms.  Stewart will compare and contrast them, and demonstrate a few case studies for Chronoforms.
> Presentation 2 by Stewart Newfeld: Did you ever need to generate PDF documents from within Joomla?  When you need to generate documents in a format with predicatable, controllable printing, you can't beat the PDF format. Stewart will discuss some possible solutions and demonstrate creating fundrasing letters in .pdf format, from form input data, by restoring the fpdf library that used to be in Joomla 1.5, but was removed in Joomla 1.6. 
> 8:00-8:30 Lightening Round Question and Answers, Networking.
> Stewart Newfeld, President
> New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
> Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
> Check our website:
> <image001.gif>
> _______________________________________________
> New York PHP SIG: Joomla! Mailing List
> NYPHPCon 2006 Presentations Online
> Show Your Participation in New York PHP
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From snewfeld at  Thu May 15 12:19:17 2014
From: snewfeld at (Stewart Newfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 12:19:17 -0400
Subject: [joomla] NYC Joomla User Group Meeting Thu. May 15, 2014
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <01b201cf6dfc$5fcc3b80$1f64b280$@com>
Message-ID: <009601cf7059$6bb79f70$4326de50$@com>

I'll miss you.  Hope to see you next month.



From: joomla-bounces at [mailto:joomla-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Toni Taylor
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2014 11:57 AM
To: NYPHP SIG: Joomla
Subject: Re: [joomla] NYC Joomla User Group Meeting Thu. May 15, 2014


Sorry, won't be able to come tonight. I'll catch up later.


On May 12, 2014, at 12:08 PM, Stewart Newfeld <snewfeld at>

Next Meeting

Thursday May 15, 2014

This month we will be meeting 4 blocks away from our usual Touro College
address, and instead meet at the Hive at 55, where we have in the past held
JoomlaCamp events.

Pre-registration is not required for building security, but we would
appreciate it if you signed up at and let others know you will be

We are looking for more presenters for future meetings.  Let us know if you
can present or if you are interested in particular topic presentations.


Hive at 55
55 Broad Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY  10004

Chairperson: Stewart Newfeld
6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions
6:15 - 8:00 

Presentation 1 by Stewart Newfeld: Two very powerful Joomla Extensions are
available for creating forms and form applications: RSJoomla! offers
RSForm!Pro (Prices starting at 19 Euros), and Chronoengine offers
Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity (Free version available).  RSForm!Pro is
one of the most clearly documented Joomla Extensions available.
Chronoforms' most basic functionallity is documented in FAQs, but for
anything advanced you are left hunting through the forums, posting questions
to the forums, or like Stewart did, hiring a person to train you.  These two
programs take very different approaches to creating forms.  Stewart will
compare and contrast them, and demonstrate a few case studies for

Presentation 2 by Stewart Newfeld: Did you ever need to generate PDF
documents from within Joomla?  When you need to generate documents in a
format with predicatable, controllable printing, you can't beat the PDF
format. Stewart will discuss some possible solutions and demonstrate
creating fundrasing letters in .pdf format, from form input data, by
restoring the fpdf library that used to be in Joomla 1.5, but was removed in
Joomla 1.6. 

8:00-8:30 Lightening Round Question and Answers, Networking.


Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:




New York PHP SIG: Joomla! Mailing List

NYPHPCon 2006 Presentations Online

Show Your Participation in New York PHP


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From snewfeld at  Thu May 15 13:11:54 2014
From: snewfeld at (Stewart Newfeld)
Date: Thu, 15 May 2014 13:11:54 -0400
Subject: [joomla] Updates for Meeting Tonight - NYC Joomla User Group
Message-ID: <00ab01cf7060$c58d5920$50a80b60$@com>

There will be Pizza and Soda served at tonight's NYCJUG Hive at 55 meeting
so come early and hungry.


This exciting new just in from Scott Wolpow

Scott has secured Oct 11 and 12 at Microsoft in Times Square for our 2014
JoomlaDay event.  


We are starting very late in announcing such an event and are looking for
volunteers to join in making it a success.


Our long-time NYCJUG sponsor OS Training is offering classroom Joomla

Location:  Netcom, 20 West 33rd Street, 4th Floor , New York, NY 

Date: June 17, 2014 to June 18, 2014 

Skill: Joomla Explained 

Schedule: from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM 


For details, visit:


We are meeting tonight, Thursday May 15, 2014

This month we will be meeting 4 blocks away from our usual Touro College
address, and instead meet at the Hive at 55, where we have in the past held
JoomlaCamp events.

Pre-registration is not required for building security, but we would
appreciate it if you signed up at and let others know you will be

We are looking for more presenters for future meetings.  Let us know if you
can present or if you are interested in particular topic presentations.


Hive at 55
55 Broad Street, 13th Floor
New York, NY  10004

Chairperson: Stewart Newfeld
6:00 - 6:15 - Introductions
6:15 - 8:00 

Presentation 1 by Stewart Newfeld: Two very powerful Joomla Extensions are
available for creating forms and form applications: RSJoomla! offers
RSForm!Pro (Prices starting at 19 Euros), and Chronoengine offers
Chronoforms and Chronoconnectivity (Free version available).  RSForm!Pro is
one of the most clearly documented Joomla Extensions available.
Chronoforms' most basic functionallity is documented in FAQs, but for
anything advanced you are left hunting through the forums, posting questions
to the forums, or like Stewart did, hiring a person to train you.  These two
programs take very different approaches to creating forms.  Stewart will
compare and contrast them, and demonstrate a few case studies for

Presentation 2 by Stewart Newfeld: Did you ever need to generate PDF
documents from within Joomla?  When you need to generate documents in a
format with predicatable, controllable printing, you can't beat the PDF
format. Stewart will discuss some possible solutions and demonstrate
creating fundrasing letters in .pdf format, from form input data, by
restoring the fpdf library that used to be in Joomla 1.5, but was removed in
Joomla 1.6. 

8:00-8:30 Lightening Round Question and Answers, Networking.


Stewart Newfeld, President

New York City Joomla Users Group (NYCJUG)
Meetings 6-8:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the Month
Check our website:




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